Informationsveranstaltungen „Feste Zähne an einem Tag“
When the tooth has to be pulled.

Tooth extraction due to diseases or accidents

All of us certainly wish to keep their natural teeth until we reach an old age. Nevertheless, it may happen that a tooth has to be removed. For example, if you had an accident. Or if you suffer from severe dental decay. You are concerned about this intervention?

How is a tooth extracted?

  • X-ray images show us the condition of the tooth in advance.
  • You don’t feel anything: the relevant area will be anaesthetised locally.
  • Teeth that have deep roots are removed with a minor surgical operation in order to prevent the gums from damage and to protect the jaw bone.

What happens to the gap? We can advise you on various options to fill the gap with comparable solutions.

We extract the affected tooth.

Read more about our anaesthesia methods.


When does the tooth have to be extracted?

It is our aim to preserve your teeth for a lifetime. Sometimes however, it might be a better solution to remove one tooth in order to protect the others.

These are the indications for a tooth extraction:

  • Decay destroys the tooth and conservative therapies don’t take effect.
  • An advanced periodontitis has caused the tooth to become so loose that we cannot save it.
  • You had an accident and the tooth root is fractured or the tooth is severely damaged.

How does the procedure work?

The experienced oral surgeon, Dr. med. dent. Seiter, will remove the tooth fast and secure. You can rely on us: this intervention is part of our daily routine at our clinic in Egerkingen.

  1. We produce an x-ray image or, if required, a three-dimensional x-ray image.
    These images show us exactly what to expect.
  2. The area around the tooth is well-anaesthetised.
    You will not feel any pain during the procedure. We also use general anaesthesia or laughing gas sedation upon request.
  3. Usually, we can remove the tooth in almost no time.
    A faultless tooth without deep roots can be extracted in one piece. Teeth that have very long roots or that are broken are sectioned before we extract them. This technique is especially useful to avoid damages of the jaw bone and provides a solid basis for your new replacement teeth.

What do you need to observe after the operation?

  • Give your body some rest. Relax and don’t do any sports. The blood pressure raises if we move a lot. The increased blood flow adds unnecessary pressure to your fresh wound.
  • Do not eat or drink for a few hours. Coffee and black tea are not allowed for 24 hours, because caffeine also stimulates blood pressure.
  • Your cheek may swell, you can use standard cool packs to mitigate the swelling. Be careful when brushing your teeth in the area of the operation. Thorough dental hygiene, however, supports the healing process of the wound.

Usually, we take the stitches out after 7 to 10 days. If you receive a dental replacement, we will discuss the entire process beforehand.

Find more information about the possibilities we can offer you to replace your teeth with an implant.

A tooth needs to be extracted?

A tooth needs to be extracted? We extract your tooth and take care of an equivalent replacement. Book an appointment:

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