Find out how adults with braces no longer have to stand up for their crooked teeth.
When you were a child, the gap between your teeth was sweet, today it’s embarrassing for you. Do you want to have straight teeth and be all smiles for your next date?
Maybe as a child you did not want to have fixed braces. Or your teeth moved further despite wearing braces as a child. It is never too late. Even as an adult, you can fulfil your wish to have straight teeth.
There are aesthetic and health-related reasons for adults to wear braces:
- You have long dreamed of finally smiling with straight teeth?
- Your teeth have shifted to the point that you are having problems with chewing or with the muscles of your jaw and neck?
- You have lost some teeth and the adjacent teeth have shifted into the gap or have tipped over?
An orthodontic correction carried out in our clinic in Egerkingen will put your teeth back on the right track - regardless of your age.
Call nowBook an appointment and soon you will be showing your brightest smile. Call us:
Orthodontic treatment of adults
Our teeth have an impact on the way we feel and how we are seen by others. The greatest wish of our patients is to have a beautiful and even smile.
But there are also health-related reasons to have a tooth correction:
- If the teeth in the upper and lower jaw are perfectly positioned, the bite is secure and powerful, which avoids damages of the dental enamel.
- Furthermore, the muscles of the jaw and the neck are less exposed to strain thus preventing headaches and neck pain.
- You can reach all parts with your toothbrush and protect yourself against decay and the like.
During childhood, the growth of the jaw can be managed. For example, braces can be used to promote a symmetrical development of upper and lower jaw, ensuring the optimum biting function of the teeth.
Braces can put your teeth on the right track
The jaw bone of adults is fully grown so it cannot be manipulated with braces anymore. This is why our orthodontic therapy aims at moving the teeth and to put them on the right track. This can be done all life long. There are many options available ranging from invisible aligners to fixed braces
Ceramic brackets or invisible aligners: your braces are hardly noticeable
Are you put off by the thought of wearing braces that are visible to everyone? No worries: today you can rely on invisible aligners or brackets made from white ceramics, which are hardly visible and not noticeable.
Aligner or fixed braces? We discuss your expectations and wishes during your first appointment.
The first step towards a new smile with straight teeth
Each jaw is individual. That is why we offer you a tailor-made treatment. During your first appointment, Med. dent. Sleiter-Bajic will examine your teeth, your jaw and your mandibular joint.
We take a detailed picture:

We take pictures of your teeth using an intra oral camera. This camera is not much bigger than a small dental mirror and is simply placed inside your mouth. You can see the pictures live on our screen.
After that, we x-ray your jaw with a digital volume tomograph (DVT) which produces 3D images. On these images, Med. dent. Sleiter-Bajic can determine the exact position of your teeth inside the jaw as well as the size of the tooth roots.
This “photo shooting” is completely painless for you. These pictures enable us to specify the best individual treatment for you.
We will be pleased to advise you on the various options:
Together, we will discuss the results. We will provide detailed information about:
- the braces most suitable for you,
- the duration of the therapy,
- the costs involved.
Are you convinced?Call nowAlright, let’s get started. Give us a call and book an appointment:
What types of braces are available for adults?
There are fixed and removable braces available for adults. Many patients are uncomfortable wearing visible braces. Today’s modern orthodontics can provide alternative solutions which are almost invisible.
Your teeth are extremely crooked? You want quick results? In these cases, classic fixed braces made of metal might be the better choice.
Speed brackets
Speed brackets are the latest type of fixed metal braces. What comes to your mind is the unfortunate classmate with unflattering metal wires in his mouth? No worries: the new brackets are much smaller than in earlier times. They are less visible and easier to clean. The teeth are moved by a small metal wire, the arch wire, which will be attached to the brackets and adjusted in regular intervals.
Ceramic brackets
Tooth-coloured ceramic brackets are the discreet alternative to speed brackets. The ceramic material is translucent and the brackets seem almost transparent.
Invisible aligners
Invisible aligners are removable braces suited for small and medium tooth corrections. We use the Invisalign aligner system.
Your benefits: you just remove your braces before eating or important talks. Every 1 to 2 weeks, you will get a new pair of aligners. Each pair moves certain teeth until they are all in the correct position.
You made it: your teeth are all straight and shiny. Now we have to ensure their long-term persistence as teeth tend to shift back into their previous positions. We recommend wearing a retainer after the successful treatment to keep your teeth from shifting.
Removable retainers are worn during the night and look like removable braces. Fixed retainers – usually a small wire – are placed invisibly at the back of your anterior teeth. We will discuss with you which version should be used.
Braces and healthy teeth?Find all experts under one roof in the Dentalspecialist clinic. Find more information how we take care of your dental health with regular prophylaxis.
How much do braces for adults cost?
The costs for your tooth correction are very specific:
- How complex is the therapy?
- Which type of brace(s) will be used?
- Is only one jaw affected or both?
We will discuss all these questions together with you during the first appointments. Once you have decided what will be your path to straight teeth, you will receive a detailed cost estimate.
Step by step therapy invoiced separately
Braces for adults are usually not covered by the Swiss basic health insurance scheme. The exception is a severe disease that makes a medical tooth correction necessary. As a professional orthodontist, Med. dent. Sleiter-Bajic is entitled to settle bills directly with the relevant Swiss accident, military and disability insurance.
We will invoice each treatment step by step according to the insurance tariffs of the Swiss society of dentists (SSO). This means that you will receive an interim invoice after each step of the therapy which is completed. The rate conversion factor (Taxpunktwert) for orthodontic therapies in our clinic is 1.10 CHF. We also offer the possibility to pay in individual instalments. Contact us. We will find a solution.
Call nowBook an appointment and fulfil your dream of having straight teeth. Call us:
FAQ about tooth correction for adults
Here you find the most important questions patients have asked us in our clinic. What is the best care for my braces? Why are teeth moving? For detailed information, please visit the general orthodontics section.
How long does the orthodontic tooth correction for adults take?
There are several factors which determine the time during which you have to wear your braces. At the beginning of the treatment, we will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and give you a prognosis. A simple correction can be successful within a few months. Major corrections require more patience as the therapy can last for 1 to 2 years.
Some of our patients choose a removable, invisible aligner instead of fixed braces due to aesthetical reasons, which may extend the duration of the therapy. If you are wearing removable braces, the duration all depends on your personal, active help. You should comply with our recommendations and wear your braces regularly.
What are the chances that braces for adults will be successful?
The tooth correction can also be very rewarding for adults. Generally, there is no specific age limit beyond which a tooth correction is of no avail. As the growth of the jaw can no longer be influenced after a certain age, you might need a bit more patience in some cases.
The greatest success is usually achieved:
- if closely spaced teeth are corrected,
- if large gaps between the teeth are closed,
- if crooked or twisted teeth are straightened.
I have a missing tooth – would an orthodontic treatment still be useful?
You have a missing tooth? In this case, an orthodontic treatment can be extremely useful. The adjacent teeth often drift or tip into the gap. Braces ensure that the healthy teeth remain in their positions.
Sometimes we may need to create some space so that the implant can replace the missing tooth. In these cases, we coordinate our therapy in close cooperation with your treating dentists or oral surgeon.
We will be happy to answer your questions in a personal meeting.Call nowCall us: